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Showing posts from February, 2018


Leading into Iron Horse 50 Mile I had a goals of running 7:00/7:15. It was around mile 28 when I realized that was not going to happen. 85+* and 100% humidity will send you into the lonny bin, and I went in kicking and screaming!!! BUT FIRST,... wait what my first ultra distance in OVER A YEAR!?! 8 MONTHS of injuries. And just 3 months of training and I am out here running a 50 miler, how did this come about???? I definitely need to be in this loony bin! Someone get me on Meds quick! So, 2017 what a year that I learned to embrace injuries... ha, f$@k that. All that I embraced was Netflix bingeing I did. Let's just skip how awful 2017 was and let's focus on the present and the future... IRON HORSE 50 MILE So now I use 50 mile races as training runs? WTF? I felt pretty swell those first 28 miles, running 7:55/8:05 paces, I even remember crossing the 25 mile mark singing and doing the arm movements of "BYE BYE BYE". It was then I literally went bye bye bye, one minu...