This race recap is late due to me training...
October 11 I ran the Buffalo Run 50k in Bluffton SC. This ultra fell on a Sunday which was great with my work schedule.
My training has been going okay, a few weeks before this 50k I wasn't feeling well, stomach issues and I believe my iron levels were low because I've been training hard, possibly over training. I wanted to shoot for a 50k PR at this event, but the week leading up I knew my body wasn't ready. I needed to get healthy first.
This was Tom and I first race as husband and wife, our plan was to run it together. This would also be Toms first ultra in almost a year, coming off an Achilles tear back in January. Also, I'd like to mention that Tom did this 50k with his longest run being 10 miles and not having run in almost a month due to military training, do this proves that mental ability is beyond important in ultra running.
10k loop, WIDE trail, flat. Although it was pretty muddy in most sections.
Keeping this short, and cutting out all the drama... Our first loop, dark. We couldn't see shit, even with a headlamp, this loop was miserable for me. 2nd loop, I cruised with 7:20 paces, 3rd and 4th loop I took my jolly time with 8:30s, my last loop was my fastest with 7:20s again. Felt good through out the race, fueled off Trifuel and ran in Altra Impulse. I won first female and broke the female CR with 4:18:05. I'll take it for this being a great training event for me.
What's next.
Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon, goal time of 2:55-2:58, which will put my mind at ease for the National Championship 50k.
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